E-Commerce Website Development that can be a table turner for your Business
The COVID-19 crisis has hit national economies hard. Small businesses are suffering from losses, and the giants are struggling to maintain their position on the global charts. However, every coin has two sides, and hence, even the worst situations have something that flourishes amidst the severe conditions. In this pandemic scenario, it's E-commerce. Online retail platforms have seen a 6 % worldwide traffic boost amid January and March 2020. On the whole, E-commerce websites have generated 14.34 billion online visits in March 2020, a rise from 12.81 billion worldwide visits in January 2020 . Consumers are moving towards a safer shopping approach, the online one. This trend in itself gives a strong reason for businesses to enter the online markets and advertise their products to a more extensive customer base. With all these scenarios, E-commerce Development has even seen a significant rise in the recent months, and many companies have establ...