7 Web Design Trends to follow in 2022 - Ikokas
People are cautiously optimistic about the year 2022. We've been through two difficult years that have tested not only our resilience and patience, but also our relationships, mental and financial health, and other aspects. The world has changed, and these changes have compelled businesses to alter their marketing and sales strategies. These changes can be seen everywhere, including in website design. In this blog, we will summarize all the trends that are likely to make a significant impact on the design Industry. Let’s dive deeper! ● Mobile-user focused designs The significance of responsive website design has never been more apparent! Web design firms are now laser-focused on mobile responsiveness when creating new web pages. With smartphones accounting for more than half of all Internet traffic, both B2C and B2B companies require responsive website design services from the start. Websites must run smoothly across PCs, tablets, and phones, with no lag time or data loss. ● ...